read below

Every life has a purpose. Every person
has a story. What's yours? This is a quiet place to read, and a safe place to share and see the significance of your story. Come on in. Get cozy. Relax and enjoy!


let's tell



Meet Jouaye.

I met him outside a McDonald’s in Uptown Minneapolis. He was hanging with a group of friends from the charter school he attends. It was a special field day for their visual arts and technology course. The students had just eaten and were gathering before their next event.

I asked Jouaye one question. “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?”

This was his response.

“I’d live happy with whoever I’m with.”

I was tempted to ask more, but didn’t. Jouaye had nothing further to add. His answer was more than acceptable. In fact, it was brilliant.


So what can we learn from Jouaye?

Jouaye’s response to my question was simple, yet profound.

Perhaps some of our greatest joys are found not in possessions, but in people. Perhaps our greatest fulfillment is found not in doing more or having more or being more, but just enjoying more of right where we are.

I’d love to know. What pieces can you take from Jouaye’s dream and apply to your own life? 





*This post is a part of a month-long 31 Days series titled Dreams from the Street. If you’d like to read more from my series, click here and you’ll be brought to the series landing page where all 31 posts are listed and linked! You can follow me on Twitter at where I’ll tweet links to all 31 posts using hashtag #write31days, and I’d LOVE to connect on Facebook at! I’m so glad you stopped by. Make yourself comfortable and take a peek around the place. You’re welcome back anytime.



Meet Diamond and John.

I knew I wanted to chat with John the second I passed him on the fairway. What I didn’t know until I approached was that Diamond was equally fascinating.

I asked Diamond and John one question. “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?”

This was their response.

If Diamond didn’t have to worry about money, she’d be working as a crime lab analyst. She’s always been good at biology, so she wants to do blood and DNA testing. She’s currently enrolled in college and will be transferring to another university to get her degree.

And John? If he didn’t have to worry about money, he’d be “in a house somewhere with [his] feet up, just chilling.” Or maybe he’d be “on the basketball court somewhere playing Kobe Bryant.”


So what can we learn from Diamond and John?

Never guess a person’s dreams for their life based on their place of employment.

Never assume that people have similar dreams for their lives just because they work together.

And never underestimate the power of a dream.

Dreams give us hope. Dreams help us see beyond circumstances and environments. Dreams aren’t visible to the naked eye, but reveal a lot about who we are on the inside.

So tell me…is there something from Diamond and John’s story that you can take and apply to your own life? 





*This post is a part of a month-long 31 Days series titled Dreams from the Street. If you’d like to read more from my series, click here and you’ll be brought to the series landing page where all 31 posts are listed and linked! You can follow me on Twitter at where I’ll tweet links to all 31 posts using hashtag #write31days, and I’d LOVE to connect on Facebook at! I’m so glad you stopped by. Make yourself comfortable and take a peek around the place. You’re welcome back anytime.



Meet Jenny. 

She stood at the back of the store behind the candy display. Her back was facing me and she appeared to be working on something at the counter. I’m not really sure why I was drawn to her, particularly since all I could see was the back of her head, but where God leads, God leads.

I asked Jenny one question. “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?”

This was her response.

“I think I have a few things,” she said.

And as Jenny proceeded to tell me her dreams, she wasn’t just sharing a “few things” off the top of her head. These were the “few things” she’d dreamed about with all her heart for a long, long time.

Jenny would like to open her own coffee and confection shop.

But the dream doesn’t stop there.

She’d set up her coffee and confection shop so “everyone gets fair pay and benefits.” She’d do a lot of donating to people in need and those less fortunate. She’d just give “fully, as much as needed.”

But her dream doesn’t stop there.

She’d also like to open her own shelter. She’d want to open a shelter that’s “pretty big so there’s enough room for everyone.” And she’d want to serve “better quality food” that’s not just cafeteria food, but “more nourishing.”

Jenny went to LeCordon Bleu culinary school for a while, but couldn’t get enough money to finish. She also has her eyes on a barista school in Portland, Oregon, but if that’s going to happen, she’ll need money to pay for it up front. Because of these experiences, another part of her dream is to “give grants or loans to people who can’t seem to make it through school.”

Jenny knows she’s moving in the right direction to achieve her dreams. Working in the candy and coffee shop has been a good experience, and has helped refine her vision.

“Hopefully one day I’ll be able to make those dreams come true,” she said.

I assured her three or four times YES.


So what can we learn from Jenny?

Dream big. Really big.

Plan a little. Or a lot.

Make wise decisions and take small steps towards your dreams.

Keep pursuing and keep persisting. Obstacles will be overcome and roadblocks will be moved if that dream’s meant to be.

Always believe your dreams can come true.

For all things are possible.

So tell me…is there something from Jenny’s story that you can take and apply to your own life? 





*This post is a part of a month-long 31 Days series titled Dreams from the Street. If you’d like to read more from my series, click here and you’ll be brought to the series landing page where all 31 posts are listed and linked! You can follow me on Twitter at where I’ll tweet links to all 31 posts using hashtag #write31days, and I’d LOVE to connect on Facebook at! I’m so glad you stopped by. Make yourself comfortable and take a peek around the place. You’re welcome back anytime.



Meet LeAnn.

She was seated at a table in the food court with seven young children (two not pictured). I knew immediately that she’d be fascinating to interview, so I approached without hesitation.

I asked LeAnn one question. “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?”

This was her response.

She admitted up front, “Kids are my life.”

LeAnn wanted to be a teacher, but when she had her third child, she quit her job and had to stay home. So she began operating a daycare out of her home, and she teaches faith formation at her church for students being confirmed. She’s enjoyed being able to be home when her kids are sick, and she’s looking forward to being there when her grandbaby’s born.

If LeAnn didn’t have to worry about money, she said she’d “continue doing everything she’s doing now” except she’d be able to put her kids through college. She’d make sure her children and mother had their own homes so they don’t have to worry about that. And last, but not least, she’d have a separate house or building just for her daycare. Ideally, she’d like to step out the back door of her house and the daycare would be right there.

Oh yeah, and if she didn’t have to worry about money at all, she’d like to take more days off.

I’d wish all these things for LeAnn. Such a kind, caring soul.


So what can we learn from LeAnn?

I learned one thing from my interaction with LeAnn. And I believe this is an important lesson for all of us.

Never assume anything about anyone.

Never assume anything about other peoples’ satisfaction with their life.

And never assume anything about other peoples’ dreams for their life.


I have to be honest. Before I talked to LeAnn, I would’ve guessed she’d rather be doing something other than tending seven children.

But I was wrong.

I had projected my own feelings onto LeAnn. I’m pretty sure I would be completely stressed out if I was responsible for seven children all day long every day, and then in public, too, but LeAnn wasn’t.

LeAnn said herself that if she didn’t have to worry about money AT ALL, she’d “continue doing everything she’s doing” with a few tweaks.

If you give people a chance to speak for themselves, they might tell you a whole lot you never would’ve guessed.

So tell me…is there something from LeAnn’s story that you can take and apply to your own life? 





*This post is a part of a month-long 31 Days series titled Dreams from the Street. If you’d like to read more from my series, click here and you’ll be brought to the series landing page where all 31 posts are listed and linked! You can follow me on Twitter at where I’ll tweet links to all 31 posts using hashtag #write31days, and I’d LOVE to connect on Facebook at! I’m so glad you stopped by. Make yourself comfortable and take a peek around the place. You’re welcome back anytime.



Meet Jared, Andy, Nick and Steve.

I approached these guys during lunch hour. They were chatting away, having a grand ol’ time at their table for four. While I hadn’t planned group interviews, this was sure to be fun, so I stopped dead in my tracks and introduced myself.

I asked Jared, Andy, Nick and Steve one question. “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do with your life?”

This was their response.

Jared, Andy, Nick and Steve work together at a window manufacturing company. Three of them work in design and engineering, and one works in finance. These guys were clearly comfortable with one another. I couldn’t have wished for a more fun conversation.

Nick was the first to respond. If he didn’t have to worry about money and could do anything with his life, he’d be a NFL general manager.

Jared would be a college volleyball coach. He used to coach volleyball, but realized he wouldn’t make the money he does in window design and engineering.

Steve would be a hunting or fishing guide.

And Andy? Well, let’s just say he would “stay home.” Andy says he’d “be a professional consumer of things.” If he felt like reading a book, he would. If he wanted an ice cream cone, he’d go get one. If he wanted to spend the afternoon joining Steve on a hunting or fishing tour, he would. If he wanted to watch movies all afternoon, he would. “You’d do whatever you want,” Andy declared casually and confidently.

We tried to get Andy to think of something, anything he’d want to do besides “stay home” and consume things. Nope. Nothing. He was sure about that! He gave us some good laughs, and truth be told, I think a little part of us agreed. Perhaps we’d all enjoy and benefit from some moments to do whatever we please.


So what can we learn from Jared, Andy, Nick and Steve?

It’s tough to nail down just one nugget of wisdom from four guys’ dreams.

But these nuggets rise to the top.

I didn’t sense deep sadness or regret in any of these guys. Sure, they all knew what they’d do with their lives if they didn’t have to worry about money. But I’m pretty sure they’re all okay living in reality, too. So hey, if your reality is working great for you, no need to chase down anything different. Often, God has us right where we need to be.

Rest confidently knowing your dreams are unique, tailor-made for you. Our dreams, whether big or small, reveal a lot about who we are and who we’re becoming. Three out of four of these guys would choose leadership positions if they didn’t have to worry about money, and one would choose to “stay home” and “be a professional consumer of things.” Some of us are outwardly inclined, and some of us are inwardly inclined. Some of us are destined to be leaders, and some of us are destined to live a quiet life. Your dream might fit in others’ box of expectations, and it might not fit at all. Don’t be swayed to dream differently. Whoever you are, whatever you dream, own it.

So tell me…is there something from Jared, Andy, Nick and Steve’s story that you can take and apply to your own life? 





*This post is a part of a month-long 31 Days series titled Dreams from the Street. If you’d like to read more from my series, click here and you’ll be brought to the series landing page where all 31 posts are listed and linked! You can follow me on Twitter at where I’ll tweet links to all 31 posts using hashtag #write31days, and I’d LOVE to connect on Facebook at! I’m so glad you stopped by. Make yourself comfortable and take a peek around the place. You’re welcome back anytime.

  1. Susan Baunsgard says:

    I am where Andy wants to be, a stay at home consumer. In that I am retired. I can pretty much do what I please whenever I want to. (Of course I do have to be aware of my budget). Am I missing the other life I had, working as a nurse. That is where I find the message of being happy with your reality as if it was written just for me. I didn’t choose to retire an injury made the choice for me.
    It took me awhile to find the happiness I now have and the peace of knowing that I am where Chest wants me to be. Thank you for doing this blog, it brought a smile to my day.

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