In February 2007, long before Pinterest boards existed, I created a vision board as part of a Whole-Life Coaching course offered at Lifetime Fitness which you can see has since been punched through and written on with pens by one of my kids. In case you’ve never heard of a vision board, it’s a way to vision your best, most ideal life through a collage of pictures. In other words, if all of your God-Sized Dreams came true, this is what your life would look like.
On one side of my vision board I pasted fanciful visions of cruise ships, mission trips, nightly family dinners, Pottery Barn bedrooms, and extraordinary health and wellness. On the other side, a God-Sized Dream bigger than life. And in the center of that vision? A woman smiling kindly and genuinely, captioned We’ve never chatted at the grocery store, but I’ll help save your life.
While I don’t believe there was anything magical about pasting cut-out magazine pictures on a piece of foam board six and a half years ago, I do believe God creates us uniquely and places purposes in each of our hearts. If we follow His promptings one by one, our dreams can become reality.
We’ve never chatted at the grocery store, but I’ll help save your life.
That picture in the center of my vision was big and bold and it meant something to me in February 2007, but I didn’t know why. In August 2010 I joined Twitter, and three years later as I look at that board, I know without a doubt that part of the vision has been fulfilled, is being fulfilled, daily. That photograph represents the family of soul sisters and brothers I have found through Twitter – a family of bloggers, authors, and all kinds of extraordinarily ordinary people that have become my special place, my hiding place, the place where my heart feels known. Where facades are stripped and souls remain, speaking truths of reality and beauty from pain. We understand each other completely through the sharing and baring of words. And this place where words connect the world – is where I belong.
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
*This was originally written as a Five Minute Friday post on July 19, 2013, but not published until today. The word of the week was belong.
I felt now was a good time to share this one!
Oh mylanta…I just…I can’t wait to give you a hug.
I’m so thankful He met you when your heart was ready…what would we do without Him. I’m so thankful we don’t ever have to find out.