I freed up 21 days for rebirth.
I spent 19 days thinking, praying, reviewing journals, writing in journals, digging up evidence from the past, compiling quotes I’d gathered from the past two years, listening to podcasts, and watching Christian speakers and motivational videos on YouTube. I met with wise counsel, witnessed a 17-year-old live out her own God-sized dream, finished two books and started a third, and dug deeper into scripture. Heck, I even took my first webinar.
My time in reflection was desperately needed. And it was extremely productive in a soul searching kind of way.
By day 19, I had clarity. Complete clarity between me and God.
I’d set this time apart, and He’d set apart everything I needed to know to move forward into this rebirth.
But between days 19 and 21, things became muddied, for reasons I can’t reveal now, but hopefully someday, to give another hope – that God’s dreams for you really can come true, even when they’ve been muddied up momentarily.
This wasn’t what I expected. Not on day 19. Not when I was planning to return to blogging on day 21. Not when I’d planned big movement forward this week.
My plans, (seemed) ruined. My hopes, dashed. My expectations, unfulfilled, yet again.
I felt alone. Like it was just me and God. Like I was back at square one. After all that. Back at square one.
But then I was reminded, the clarity I received during those 19 days is irreplaceable. The evidence still remains. My heart still says yes. God still put the pieces together, and they remain true, today.
As I sat there, late that night of the 19th day, in my writing spot on the far left end of the long couch, feeling crazy, tears running down my face, feeling like it was all for naught, my dreams and rebirth and hopes and plans down the drain, like I was back to square one with a heck of a lot of work to do to get peace and clarity again, I heard this whisper…
I want you to believe this is possible. I’m calling you. You’ve been called.
I grabbed my computer. I needed to write this down. To know, remember, the first words of clarity that came to me in these moments of despair. I opened up the document where I’d written everything, the document where all the evidence I’d gathered was in one place, so I could prove to myself God truly did have a plan to rebirth my life.
I scrolled to the bottom.
And typed the sentence.
I want you to believe this is possible. I’m calling you. You’ve been called.
I sat still for a moment. The words kept coming. In an instant, without thinking it through, I decided to close my eyes, type the words I was hearing, the words I believed God might be speaking to my heart and soul in these muddied up moments.
I typed and typed and never once opened my eyes. I felt like a translator. Any word that came to my mind, I typed it. Every word. There was no editing. If I heard it, I typed it. When the words subsided, I opened my eyes. It’d been 34 minutes since I first started typing.
And this. is what I typed (pacing and punctuation is completely organic, unedited)…
I want you to believe this is possible. I’m calling you. You’ve been called. I need you to trust, believe. Know you are loved. Receive it. Believe it. Feel it. I love you deeply. Know that wherever you are, I am. I am. for you. I love you. Believe it. Know it. Feel it. There’s no need to perform. No need to act. Just be, Amy. Sit. Be with me dear. Stop this working hard, trying hard. I don’t ask you to try hard. I don’t ask you to work harder. I ask you to be. With me. Follow. Me. Trust. Me. Believe. Me. Know. Me.
Believe when I say. I’ve called you. Believe it. There’s nothing more to say. Believe it.
Amy, you’re in the boat. I’m asking you. Come. Now. Trust. I’m here. I’m not asking you to jump. I’m asking you to come. Closer. Trust. Watch me. Watch how I love you. Watch how I sense you. Watch how I connect with you. Know. I’m here.
Sit. And calm yourself. Be comforted by my presence. Trust I’m taking you at a pace that’s right for you. Don’t rush. Just follow. Me. You’re so tired. Lean. Lean in. You need me now more than ever. I’ve got your back. I have your hand. I’m sitting right here.
Just be. Sit. Rest. I’m here. I know. I’ve been here before.
Calm yourself. Calm. Know I’m here. You don’t have to perform. You’re no act for me. I’m gracious. Peace flows through me like a river. I hold no judgement for you. I seek nothing from you. But trust.
Amy, love. Just be. In me. Stop the game. It’s not about the game. See?
It’s me. Here. Near.
Amy, my love. You need to know. You’re not cooky, you’re not crazy. You haven’t gone off the deep end. You see, you’re with me. With me isn’t safe. But with me, you’ll find freedom. With me, you’ll find peace. With me, you’ll be.
So Amy, dear Amy. Take care of yourself. Don’t rush. It’s in my hands. I’ve got it.
Be free. of it all. Worry not, dear one. Time will tell. You’ve waited. And I’ll have you wait more. For you are a patient servant. This I know. You don’t want to be patient, I know. You’re tired. You’re weary from the wait. But Amy, please, you must know. I’m here, even in the wait.
I know.
I hear you.
I’m desperate. For you not to work. But to trust. I’m desperate for you to know, you’re loved. I’m desperate fro you to know, you can count on me. When all else fails. Me. So believe.
Take a breath.
Know that I’m with you.
Understand, it’s in my hands. I will reveal.
Sit in my presence.
Lay it down.
Believe, Amy. Believe.
You’ve got this. I’ve got this.
You’re in another realm.
And no, you’re not crazy.
Believe that.
Know that.
Trust that.
I see.
All I’ve made you to be.
It’s beautiful.
I’m waiting.
It’s not time.
Not yet.
Just wait. A bit.
Seek me. and all these things will be added unto you.
That’s what he said, isn’t it? That pastor who reminded you what’s most important.
Seek me. And all these things will be added unto you.
So be.
Our journey, it’s not done.
Listen. Walk. Walk with me.
You’ve got to trust. Trust that I have a plan. Trust the timing will be. Trust.
For kingdom work is hard. There’s no easy way. They won’t understand. But I do.
So go. Be a light. Do what you need to do. Follow my commands. And trust. I’ve got you. Know. I’m here. Believe, I see you.
It’s not a game.
It’s not a play.
I am. the real deal.
I speak to you in words you understand.
I’m in the boat. W’ere here, together. I’m smiling. I truly am. I have no doubt. Cast the net. Cast it.
Do what it takes. You’ve got to believe. I’ve got you.
You’re so not trusting, so not believing.
But I got you.
Come. Closer.
Hear me speak. You are called.
It’s not possible, it’s true.
So believe.
Hear me. Hear me.
You are called.
You are called.
You are called.
You. Are. Called.
You. Are. Called.
That’s what I needed you to hear. That’s what I wanted you to hear. So go. GO daughter. Live it. Speak it. Do it. Do what it takes. Work at it. Live it. Feel it. Receive it. Believe it. For I am here. I am with you. I see you. I know your trials. I know your pain. I’m with you. You must trust. You must go. You must do. You must believe. Believe.
Now go.
So today, though my logical and emotional self wanted to tell you, my dear readers, that I couldn’t come back yet, that I needed to take more of a break to get my head on straight all over again – I’ve decided to come back, in faith. Because God’s said – trust, believe, go – He’s got me. So I must. He’s provided clarity. Now I just need to trust He’ll help me work it out.
And maybe, today, you need to read those words, inserting your name for mine, knowing you’re held, loved, seen as beautiful and worthy by God. If that’s you? Do it. He speaks words of life and hope over you and in you, too.
Absolutely Beautiful Amy! I finally took some time to read your blogs and they are simply wonderful. I’m inspired by you and my heart hurts for the sadness you have at times. I’d like to send you a personal note one day soon, so don’t be surprised when you get a long one from me. Hang in there and always know that life is beautiful. PS I, like you and Brenda, am wiping tears as I write. Peace.. And Love.
Thank you Jennifer. Your taking time to read through my blog and comments mean so much. I very much appreciate your heart felt words. I take life very seriously, sense and feel deeply, and think and over think all day long. All these things added up together make for what sometimes feels like a burden, but is also a gift. For now, I have decided to put a lot of it “out there” for others to read. I am hoping some of my writing, some of my thoughts, strike a chord with my readers so they don’t feel alone, so they can see life in a new light. Blessings to you and Brian, and hope to see you sometime in the near future!! It’s been too long.
I think I forgot to take a breath that entire write! I was too captivated…loved it, friend.
Beautiful. You’ve brought me to tears again!
In the quiet… a short sweet quieting post, Shhhh.
What a beautiful place you have here. So happy to have met you through FMF, Amy. I love these statements in the quiet. I can relate to so many of them. Especially these: “In the quiet, I rock you and hold you and love you to pieces…I say start over, it’s ok…I want you to be the friend that knows it all…I’m sorry I’m not that friend.” And this: “In the quiet, I will be.” Thank you so much for these lovely reflections today. A lovely piece of quiet rest. ‘Twas good for my soul.
Dear Ashley: I love hearing the specific sentences you related to most from this post. Being able to share reflections on life’s experiences is one of the great gifts of blogging and reading others’ blogs. Thank you so much for stopping by, and I’ll look forward to stopping by your place later tonight.