It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Meet Me At This Moment for Five Minute Friday post! I spend the last hour of Thursday chatting it up with a group of authentic and inspiring Five Minute Friday bloggers on Twitter (#fmfparty). One minute past midnight EST Friday, Lisa-Jo Baker gives us a single word prompt and we all write a blog post centered around that word. We write for five minutes, and five minutes only! In the words of Lisa, this is “unscripted. unedited. real.” You meet me at this moment in time…my thoughts and opinions, my joys and sorrows, my dilemmas and dreams. And I receive one of the greatest gifts ever…a regular outlet for processing and expressing my thoughts without constantly editing myself. This is my life, my perspective, unfiltered.
The word of the week is AFTER.
My natural inclination is to walk rather than run. I walk fast, I walk hard, I walk long.
But since October, I’ve been running, more than ever. And I get it. I understand why a runner runs.
For when I run, I’m running from something, through something, for something, to something. There’s power and there’s healing in running. One foot in front of the next, hard against the road, I’m propelled by something greater. Nothing can stop me. And after a run like that, all I want is to do it again.
That dream of mine, to run a marathon? It’s no longer so far fetched. Because now I understand the power of the race.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1
Absolutely Beautiful Amy! I finally took some time to read your blogs and they are simply wonderful. I’m inspired by you and my heart hurts for the sadness you have at times. I’d like to send you a personal note one day soon, so don’t be surprised when you get a long one from me. Hang in there and always know that life is beautiful. PS I, like you and Brenda, am wiping tears as I write. Peace.. And Love.
Thank you Jennifer. Your taking time to read through my blog and comments mean so much. I very much appreciate your heart felt words. I take life very seriously, sense and feel deeply, and think and over think all day long. All these things added up together make for what sometimes feels like a burden, but is also a gift. For now, I have decided to put a lot of it “out there” for others to read. I am hoping some of my writing, some of my thoughts, strike a chord with my readers so they don’t feel alone, so they can see life in a new light. Blessings to you and Brian, and hope to see you sometime in the near future!! It’s been too long.
I think I forgot to take a breath that entire write! I was too captivated…loved it, friend. 🙂
Beautiful. You’ve brought me to tears again!
In the quiet… a short sweet quieting post, Shhhh.
What a beautiful place you have here. So happy to have met you through FMF, Amy. I love these statements in the quiet. I can relate to so many of them. Especially these: “In the quiet, I rock you and hold you and love you to pieces…I say start over, it’s ok…I want you to be the friend that knows it all…I’m sorry I’m not that friend.” And this: “In the quiet, I will be.” Thank you so much for these lovely reflections today. A lovely piece of quiet rest. ‘Twas good for my soul.
Dear Ashley: I love hearing the specific sentences you related to most from this post. Being able to share reflections on life’s experiences is one of the great gifts of blogging and reading others’ blogs. Thank you so much for stopping by, and I’ll look forward to stopping by your place later tonight. 🙂