That last night in Haiti, I sat on the edge of a bed in a Port-au-Prince hotel room facing my roommate, Georgeann. I’d just met this woman one week prior, but I’d learned enough of her to know she was authentic and completely trustworthy. So in that moment, both of us bare-footed and ready for bed, with all the noise and clamor of Port-au-Prince in the background, I shared the secret of my heart.
There are things I’ve experienced here in Haiti that I’ve never come close to experiencing back home.
Yep. These are the things that have been weighing on my heart. These are the things that have been pressing on my soul since I returned from Haiti, nearly two months ago now. These are the things that call to me, speak to me, dare me to find the soonest opportunity to return to that beautiful country. These are the things I long for when I know in my heart I’m missing Haiti.
How was it possible for me to develop such a deep and rich love for a country I visited only one week?
How is it possible that an adoptive mom’s story really is true, that she’s never heard of anyone going to Haiti just once?
And the question I’ve asked myself time and time again since I returned – why would God have brought me to a place I loved so much, a place that sat so perfectly with my soul, only to take me away again?
It takes me a second to realize the obvious – my family and friends are here in the United States. Of course I desire, of course God desires for me to return to my country, to live, love, nurture and serve those He’s placed in my path. Here.
My life is here.
My life. is here.
My life is beautiful, blessed and rich beyond measure.
But my heart still speaks. That deepest place calls out, longs to linger in the beautiful match Haiti was for my soul.
Perhaps you understand if you’ve been to Haiti.
So I believe. God will have me return.
I believe God is already preparing a way.
I believe He knows exactly where I’ll go next, exactly where He’ll have me next.
And I’ll be open, beyond ready when it’s time to go. Because I know, He will call.
It’ll be specific. And it’ll be with people and for purposes far greater than myself.
Because I simply can’t afford what Haiti needs. Nor can I afford what Haiti has to offer.
So I lend myself as an offering, before He calls. I’m willing to go, it’s my desire, no doubt.
But in the quiet God tames me. He says wait. Hold up. I’m working. Wait. Not yet. Let My plan unfold. I will show you the way.
So I wait.
Very patiently.
I ponder and pray over every clue, wondering if this is what He’d have me do.
And I ponder all the reasons I dared to utter that sentence in the Port-au-Prince hotel room…
There are things I’ve experienced here in Haiti that I’ve never come close to experiencing back home.
I keep these things close, tucked away in the recesses of my heart. For God bestowed on me these most precious gifts, and I’ll treasure them as such until He calls me to return to that beautiful, soul-stirring place called Haiti.
That beautiful place where mamas aren’t afraid to tell truths about the depths of their pain, and they aren’t afraid to share the source of their joy either.
That beautiful place where girls showed me what it looks like to have a servant heart. That beautiful place where I learned what it really means to receive.
That beautiful place where kids from extreme poverty say “I love my life.”
That beautiful place where dreamers dream and believe ALL things are possible, with God, through Christ – even when ALL signs suggest otherwise.
That beautiful place where words mean something. Yes, that beautiful place where words are powerful, limitless, LIFE GIVING.
That beautiful place where simplicity wins, integrity shines, and dignity is always of the utmost importance.
That beautiful place where creativity is fostered, not forced.
That beautiful place where leaders rise among sleeping giants. That beautiful place where great leaders of a country literally stand before you. And you can feel it, this rising up of of a nation as they fulfill their call.
That beautiful place where hearts just like yours affirm, make you feel known, completely understood, tell you you’re beautiful, we love you just the way you are.
That beautiful, beautiful place where humble hearts reign. And you’ve never experienced humility like that ever, ever before. And you finally know, THAT’S what true humility looks like. Yes, that’s a beautiful place.
That beautiful place where joy is unspeakable. And pain is never, ever far away.
That beautiful place where faith crosses every border.
That beautiful place where human souls sing, triumph, keep pressing forward…even if, even though…
That beautiful place where eyes can’t help but notice the poverty, the destitution, the lack of everything, everywhere. That beautiful place where I couldn’t help but notice the wealth, the riches, the abundance in everyone, everywhere.
Yes. Those are the things about Haiti that I can’t quite replicate here, back at home. Those are the things that have been hard to explain. Those are the things that have lingered in my heart. Those are the things that call me, beckon me to return.
Is it possible for a heart to be 100% engaged in one place and 100% engaged in another? So be it. Let it be mine.
If, for any reason, these words have spoken to the deepest part of you, whether you’ve been to Haiti or not, please let me know via comment, Facebook message, or email. Whatever God has in store for me and Haiti, I’m most certainly going to need travel partners. I’m believing He might have one or more of you join me in the future. Who’s it going to be?
Some food for thought this Friday afternoon.
Blessings on your journey, wherever it may lead you.
**If you’d like to read about my journey to Haiti in February 2014, click on this link and read to the bottom where you’ll find links to every post I wrote about Haiti. It’s an honor to invite anyone and everyone into this life changing story.
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