Meet Me At This Moment: Dive

It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Meet Me At This Moment for Five Minute Friday post! I spend the last hour of Thursday chatting it up with a group of authentic and inspiring Five Minute Friday bloggers on Twitter (#FiveMinuteFriday #fmfparty). One minute past midnight EST Friday, Lisa-Jo Baker gives us a single word prompt and we all write a blog post centered around that word. We write for five minutes, and five minutes only! In the wjords of Lisa, this is “unscripted. unedited. real.” You meet me at this moment in time…my thoughts and opinions, my joys and sorrows, my dilemmas and dreams. And I receive one of the greatest gifts ever…a regular outlet for processing and expressing my thoughts without constantly editing myself. This is my life, my perspective, unfiltered.

The word of the week is DIVE.

There were at least three Meet Me At This Moment posts I could have written this week, but didn’t.

In which my daughter so innocently told me that her friend’s mom “never makes food like that…she makes all homemade food,” as I was making mac and cheese and hot dogs and I just needed to get something on the table.

In which I spent at least two hours searching and scouring a mall for the right dress to wear to my husband’s work party next week. And never found a thing that would satisfy.

In which I heard an outright lie in that dark place that’s been making me feel overwhelmed…you aren’t doing any of it well.

I wrote only one and didn’t post any. I’ve decided I won’t give those moments any glory. I’m tired of the muck, the mud, the ugliness of all that.

For I know I am called to be someone much better, to do something much greater. I want to DIVE into who I am. Oh no, I no longer wish to just dive into anything and everything. I’m ready to dive into God’s unique plan, just for me. And if that means changing things, taking new paths, diving deeper than ever before? I will.

Two years ago this month, my husband and I had just spent a long time praying whether we were going to have a third child. Our answer was YES. A month after that decision had been made, I watched the Grammy Awards and saw this band, Mumford and Sons, for the first time. There was something about their diving into the music, their diving into their craft, that captured my attention. I think of this performance often and admire these men for their courage to stand tall in their identity. Today, I challenge you to watch. Watch them literally dive into the music, into who they are as individuals. That guy on the keyboard? That guy with the bobbing yellow hat? They’re not so worried about making mistakes or doing it wrong or anything like that. And there’s no way you can convince me they care what people think. They’re just there to be who they are, to share their wonderful selves, their wonderful gifts with the world.

And if you’re actually going to watch? Be patient. It might take a few seconds for you to really see those heads moving, diving deep, deep into the music.

Mumford & Sons, The Avett Brothers and Bob Dylan Live at 2011 Grammys from Yaroslav Kunitsyn on Vimeo.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7


  1. Stephani says:

    This post inspired me! As I read, I began to think about my photography and writing and well how I pretty much like to do everything perfectly or not at all (which leads to a lot of not at all moments). This makes me want to just do it as they say and find the pretty in the imperfection. Thanks, this is just what I needed as I groan about not enough time to do the things I want to do. It’s really that I don’t have enough time to do them all perfectly. Thanks again!

  2. Dolly Lee says:

    Good for you, Amy, for diving into God’s unique plan for you…Cheering for you..We were on the same wavelength this week for FMF…Thanks for sharing the video 🙂

  3. Leah says:

    Yes the muck. mud, and ugliness. So distasteful, yet easier to just make do with it; shrug it off as “that’s just life”.
    I think deep down we all care a lot more about what others think than we care to admit. Only the brave and “foolish” plow ahead anyway. Thanks for the words.

    • Amy says:

      Leah, interesting perspective that it’s much easier to make do or shrug it off. You are so right in that. I’ve come to the point where I’m tired of responding the same way, living the same way and am ready for a new path. Thanks much and blessings! Amy

  4. Becky Roode says:

    P.S. GREAT music choice – I LOVE Mumford and Sons! 🙂

  5. Becky Roode says:

    This was such a great post!
    It is so very easy to get stuck in the every day muck and mire. Praise God that He is leading you to a place where you no longer believe the lies the enemy of our souls tells.
    Dive in, girlfriend! God has so much planned for you! 🙂

    • Amy says:

      Thanks so much Becky for the encouragement! And yes…I love Mumford and Sons too! I just told my husband this week I’d love to see them perform live.

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